Friday, August 29, 2008

The best speech of my lifetime. Period. or A late night rant about morons.

Tonight I saw my generations Kennedy and King speeches rolled into one amazing, and inspiring act. It was amazing. I can't see how anyone could watch that speech and not want to vote for him. For the first time in my life I truly felt moved by a politician that actually has a chance of winning (sorry Kucinich).

Tonight Barack Obama said some amazing things. Sure, there were a couple of things which I do not see eye to eye with him on. Such as the whole religion thing and the South Ossetia discussion. I truly believe that if McCain wins we will truly be screwed. He is a war hungry, ignorant, narrow minded man. I just don't see how this can go any other way. Obama just has to win.

Of course there are still the right wing lunatic christians out there who can and will vote for McCain because they feel the only two things that are important in this world are gays and abortions. This next part is for those of you who find yourselves wrapped up in the blindness that is Religion.

The homosexual thing is just plain hate. It's just ignorant, self important, self righteous, nonsense from a book written thousands of years ago. A book which is tearing our world apart through the help of the worlds three major religions. Why should two people not be allowed to be together? So what if you think it is against God's will. Let them live in sin. Why do you care so much? Why do you insist that everyone live your limited lives? Why do you insist that everyone have your limited understanding of God? Why do you insist that everyone believe in your limited scope of love?

As for abortions, listen: I understand that you feel it is the taking of a life. The fact is that I agree with you. I could never ask a women to get one and if one that I did know got one I would be more sad than you can imagine. Here is the fact though that you refuse to admit and adhere to: no matter what you do, that baby is still inside of another human being. So in the end, it is her decision. End of story. You can NOT regulate what is going on inside of a woman. I'm sorry but that is just the way it is. This is not the middle ages. No matter how much you may want this to not be the story, it is.

While I'm thinking about it. Prayer should not be in publicly funded schools. "Under God" should be taken out of the pledge of allegiance. Creation should not be taught in publicly funded schools. Why? Because we are not the Taliban. This is not Saudi Arabia or Iran. When you give credence to religion and let it take over, you reap what you sow. We have seen for millennia what happens when the men of religion have control of the wheel. It never ends well.

Please, if you find yourself to be one of those who actually buys into these fairy tales, handed down to us by men who had no interest in woman being equals or people in general being free, then for the love of God, stay home on November 4th.

That's right. LOVE of God. Not hate or fear of God. I believe in a limitless God. Not a limited one.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

LeRoi Moore 1961-2008

I am more sad than I have been in recent memory. LeRoi Moore, the sax player in Dave Matthews Band died last night. I was sitting watching Good Morning America while waiting for my first run and they just announced it like it was really no big deal. I assure you, it was a big deal to me.

RIP LeRoi. You were greatly loved by many and you will be greatly missed by all.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I knew it!

Julia Child was a spy. I sooooo effing knew that. You could just tell. You know, from the way she made Coq au vin.

In other news: I started a new job this week. I'm a courier. It's very easy. It reminds me of hot hot Texas can be in August. They say we may get an early fall. If we don't. Shit!

In other news: Russia is not going to back down. That makes me sad. We may end up fighting them. Which would basically suck. Basically. Like there isn't enough war already. Also, Russia is kinda in the right on this one, crazy as it may seem. Don't think so? Read up on it. Or maybe not. Who really knows these days. Damn lies.

That is all. Peace.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Some good music 2008 has spewed out or Honesty is the best policy

I have been trying this new thing: Honesty. It is a crazy idea. And it is harder than you can ever imagine. I really have no moral problem with a lie. My only objection is the damage it does . Not only to the person(s) but to myself as well. Also, I lie to myself. About everything. It is nuts. But, that is all in the past. As Kurt Vonnegut once said, "Goodbye Blue Monday". My soul is yearning for open, honest communication. And what my soul wants, it gets. It can be very demanding. Fucking soul.

So feel free to ask me what I think. About anything. Or everything.

Done. Next.

On to the music. Basically just some music I like so far this year. The first song is by Heir to Madness a.k.a. Jason Wiscarson. His album is not actually out yet but it will be very, very, very fucking soon. Trust me on this.

1. Heir to Madness - The Citadel - Citadel of Self
2. Alanis Morissette - Flavors of Entanglement - Citizen of the Planet
3. Scar Symmetry - Holographic Universe - Morphogenesis
4. Aimee Mann - @%&*! Smilers - Freeway
5. Opeth - Watershed - The Lotus Eater


Sunday, April 6, 2008

7 things you most likely never wanted to know about me.

Hamplicious tagged me to do this blog. Finally, I have something to blog about. At the end I will tag 7 more of you. If i tag you you better do it. If you don't. I will fucking kill you. Period. Don't forget to post these rules on your blog. Weee.

1. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
2. Tag 7 people at the end of the post by leaving their names and links to their blogs.
3. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I. Lindsay started off hers with the story of her first sex dream. I thought I might keep that idea going. My first sex dream that I ever had (fucking ever) was about a guy that Crystal knew who was gay. In the dream he was pounding my ass pretty hard. And I liked it. I'm not gay. I don't like the idea of me playing with some other dudes junk. But in this dream I couldn't get enough of that shit. I loved the cock.

Since then I have had many sex dreams about women and I've never had another one about a guy.

II. I have recently started reading comic books again. I can't explain it. After more than a decade of being away from it. I find myself at least once a week at the comic book store chatting with the guys that work there about whats new and exciting and blowing way more money than I ever should on them.

III. I put my shoes on right foot first. Always have. Always will. If I grab the left shoe first, I will set it down and pick up the right one. This also goes for skates. One time, when I was playing hockey. I realized that I had put on the left skate first. I was already taped up and ready to start playing. I undid everything and started over from scratch just so I could get it right.

IV. When my mom was sick. I wished almost every day that she would die. 90% of the reason was so she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. The other 10% was selfish. I didn't want to have to watch her like that anymore. I find it pretty easy to joke around about her being dead. I think its because I truly know that death is really just another beginning. But sometimes, I really just wish she was still alive. Even if she was still sick. I just want to hug her and talk to her about my day.

V. I still don't think I have forgiven the people who gave me such hell in school. About a year or so ago I found out that one of the guys from my class who used to make fun of me on a fairly regular basis when we were little had died. I was happy.

VI. I think folks that like NASCAR, American Idol or Nickleback are beneath me. Seriously. I think they are worthless. I want to hit them in the face. With my fists.

VII. I cried while watching The Notebook. When she realizes who he is. That's just fucking classic. If you don't cry at that, you are a robot.

WOW. I really expected that to be a bit more humorous. Oh well. Deal with it. Asshat.

The 7 people I tag are as follows:


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers

were very bad ass indeed. Indeed.

Also: sometimes I feel like it truly is 1984. Or at the very least we are headed that way. I'm scared.


I am soooo white. It's amazing. Truly amazing.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Q: Is Juno one of the greatest movies of all time?

A: Yes.

Also. I can't stop listening to the soundtrack to the movie Into the Wild. It's basically one of the best albums of 2007. Basically.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Enough about you, let's talk about life for a while.

To say I'm a lonely man would not be accurate. I know how many friends I have. And I know how awesome I am as a human.


I was listening to Alanis Morissette today on my drive home and something caught my ear which never had before:

"What I wouldn't give to find a soul mate. Someone else to catch this drift."


It seems like such a daunting task to find a lady out there that is coming from the same places spiritually, politically and overall mentally as I am.


Sometimes. Not all times. But sometimes.

It makes me cry.