Sunday, April 6, 2008

7 things you most likely never wanted to know about me.

Hamplicious tagged me to do this blog. Finally, I have something to blog about. At the end I will tag 7 more of you. If i tag you you better do it. If you don't. I will fucking kill you. Period. Don't forget to post these rules on your blog. Weee.

1. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
2. Tag 7 people at the end of the post by leaving their names and links to their blogs.
3. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I. Lindsay started off hers with the story of her first sex dream. I thought I might keep that idea going. My first sex dream that I ever had (fucking ever) was about a guy that Crystal knew who was gay. In the dream he was pounding my ass pretty hard. And I liked it. I'm not gay. I don't like the idea of me playing with some other dudes junk. But in this dream I couldn't get enough of that shit. I loved the cock.

Since then I have had many sex dreams about women and I've never had another one about a guy.

II. I have recently started reading comic books again. I can't explain it. After more than a decade of being away from it. I find myself at least once a week at the comic book store chatting with the guys that work there about whats new and exciting and blowing way more money than I ever should on them.

III. I put my shoes on right foot first. Always have. Always will. If I grab the left shoe first, I will set it down and pick up the right one. This also goes for skates. One time, when I was playing hockey. I realized that I had put on the left skate first. I was already taped up and ready to start playing. I undid everything and started over from scratch just so I could get it right.

IV. When my mom was sick. I wished almost every day that she would die. 90% of the reason was so she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. The other 10% was selfish. I didn't want to have to watch her like that anymore. I find it pretty easy to joke around about her being dead. I think its because I truly know that death is really just another beginning. But sometimes, I really just wish she was still alive. Even if she was still sick. I just want to hug her and talk to her about my day.

V. I still don't think I have forgiven the people who gave me such hell in school. About a year or so ago I found out that one of the guys from my class who used to make fun of me on a fairly regular basis when we were little had died. I was happy.

VI. I think folks that like NASCAR, American Idol or Nickleback are beneath me. Seriously. I think they are worthless. I want to hit them in the face. With my fists.

VII. I cried while watching The Notebook. When she realizes who he is. That's just fucking classic. If you don't cry at that, you are a robot.

WOW. I really expected that to be a bit more humorous. Oh well. Deal with it. Asshat.

The 7 people I tag are as follows:
